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Its been a long while since I posted on here. Months in-fact, and a-lots been happening! Quite a-lot indeed. I thought i'd try and start up writing again... I know i've said that before so lets see how this time goes.

So, first things first, we made a whole entire human. His name is Bobby Benjamin Laycock and he is the best thing in the entire world. He is 12 weeks old already, Im not quite sure where the time has gone, but it has flown.

He arrived on June 19th 2021. I was 38 weeks to the day. I woke up at 7:30am, and by 8am in a very movie like manner my waters broke. Ben was in the bathroom and heard it all happen, he thought he heard me empty a bucket of water in our bedroom.

By 10am ish we were in the car on the way to the hospital, and by 5:40pm all 8.8 pound of him made his glorious entrance into the world.

He looks just like me. Every single inch of him. The only little glimpse of Ben so far is his blue eyes.

We have had the name picked out for years. We both always knew if we were to have a little boy, that it would be Bobby. Although we never officially found out what we were having, the entire duration of my pregnancy I knew it was a boy. I remember picking the going home outfit and picturing a little boy in it. It was only when I was dressing him I realised I didn't even pack a going home outfit for a girl!

We had a few names picked out for a girl, and on the way to the hospital we were discussing which one we should go with, we were sitting at the traffic lights and we both looked at each-other and said, we dont even need to pick, its Bobby.

The first night in hospital was a bit of a blur. I didn't really sleep, and I dont remember a heap, I think a mix of exhaustion and drugs will do that to you. We were in hospital for a week, I think I left the hospital room once the entire duration, so leaving my cocoon of comfort and 24/7 on call support felt very strange.

We were home for maybe 2 weeks before lockdown hit, so we got majority of visits and meets in luckily, but there is still a lot of people that havent met him, my sister and her family in Brisbane included which is the pits.

A mixture of lockdown and Winter has allowed us to do absolutely nothing but stare at each-other for 3 months. Its been glorious. Our days are slow, but boy do they fly by.

Bobby has slept through the night since he was around 5 weeks old, so thankfully I have felt sane and well rested for a while now.

He is the happiest little boy, hardly crys at all, smiles and laughs a-lot. He loves boobs, sleeping on me, my glorious singing and free balling. The simple life.

The first 10 days was pretty overwhelming, a mix of hormones, sore everything and no sleep made me pretty emotional. Its a hard feeling to wrap up, its being so deliriously happy that you cry because your nose is cold (yes, that happened). But after that its been smooth sailing.

A good support system has been a god sent, my parents have helped me great deal, cooking for me, cleaning for me, washing and folding for me, holding Bobby while I shower etc - and of course having a man friend who can just sense when im OVAH IT KIMMY is the biggest help of all. He sends me off to bed and whips out the freezer milk. What a man. And of course his big brother, who loves holding him, playing with him and is the best help when hes around. The constant stream of flowers, cards and presents still havent stopped, and he's 3 months old. I counted 98 different cards filled with beautiful wishes and love for him as I packed them away into his memory box a few weeks ago.

I love being a mum. Its the best thing I have ever done. I am the happiest I have ever been, and so filled with love it hurts my head to even think about it.

The future looks bright, filled with days running around the farm with small muddy hands and feet surrounding me is all I ever dreamt of.

Welcome to the world my Bobby, your Mumma loves you more than anyone in this whole world.



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